
Tiergarten Bernburg

Bericht zur Konferenz über das Verhalten von Säugetieren, 1980 in Front Royal

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Advances in Animal Behavior.

(Front Royal Conference on Mammalian Behavior, 16th - 19th August 1980.)

Editors: John F. Eisenberg & Devra G. Kleiman.

Special Publication No. 7, American Society of Mammalogists, 1983, ISBN 0-934612-06-2.

  • E[isenberg], J[ohn] F. & D[evra] G. K[leiman]: Preface and acknowledgments. S. IX-X.

Part I. Structure, development and function

  • E[isenberg], J[ohn] F. & D[evra] G. K[leiman]: Introduction. S. 1-4.
  • Grand, Theodore I.: The anatomy of growth and its relation to locomotor capacity in Macaca. S. 5-23.
  • Fentress, John C.: A view of ontogeny. S. 24-64.
  • Golani, Ilan & Greg Moran: A motility-immobility gradient in the behavior of the "inferior wolf" during "ritualized fighting". S. 65-94.
  • Vandenbergh, John G.: The role of hormones in synchronizing mammalian reprodactive behavior. S. 95-112.
  • Jerison, Harry J.: The evolution of the mammalian brain as an information-processing system. S. 113-146.

Part II. Mechanisms of communication

  • K[leiman], D[evra] G. & J[ohn] F. E[isenberg]: Introduction. S. 147-149.
  • Müller-Schwarze, Dietland: Scent glands in mammals and their functions. S. 150-197.
  • Bronson, F.H.: Chemical communication in House mice and Deer mice: functional roles in reproduction of wild populations. S. 198-238.
  • Wemmer, Christen & Don E. Wilson: Structure and function of the hair crests and capes in African carnivora S. 239-264.
  • Gould, Edwin: Mechanisms of mammalian auditory communication. S. 265-342.
  • Marler, Peter: Monkey calls: How are they perceived and what do they mean? S. 343-356.

Part III. Case studies of mammalian behavior: a perspective.

  • K[leiman], D[evra] G. & J[ohn] F. E[isenberg]: Introduction. S. 357-359.
  • Grant, T.R.: Behavioral ecology of the monotremes S. 360-394. (Ornithorhynchus anatinus, Zaglossus brujinii, Tachyglossus aculeatus)
  • Charles-Dominique, Pierre: Ecology and social adaptations in didelphid marsupials: comparison with eutharians of similar ecology. S. 395-422.
  • Moehlman, Patricia D.: Socioecology of Silverbacked and Golden jackals (Canis mesomelas and Canis aureus). S. 423-453.
  • Rood, John P.: The social system of the Dwarf mongoose. S. 454-488. (Helogale parvula; Serengeti)
  • Stirling, Ian: The evolution of mating systems in pinnipeds. S. 489-527.
  • Michener, Gail R.: Kin identification, matriarchies, and the evolution of sociality in ground-dwelling sciurids. S. 528-572.
  • Franklin, William L.: Contrasting socioecologies of South America's wild cameilds: the Vicuňa and Guanaco S. 573-629.

Part IV. The adaptiveness of behavior: constraints, population mechanisms, and evolution.

  • E[isenberg], J[ohn] F.: Introduction S. 630-631.
  • Clutton-Brock-T[im] H. & Paul. H. Harvey: The functional significance of variation in body size among mammals. S. 632-663.
  • McNab, Brian K.: Ecological and behavioral consequences of adaptation to various food resources. S. 664-697.
  • Tamarin, Robert H.: Animal population regulation through behavioral interactions. S. 698-720.
  • Bertram, Brian C.: Kin selection and altruism. S. 721-737.
  • Hendrichs, Hubert: On the evolution of social structure in mammals. S. 738-750.


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